Google Authorship SEO

Google Authorship is Google’s way of identifying the author of a piece of content to factor it as a signal of content quality.

People know good content when they see it and will likely want to share it with others! Sharing through blog posts, social media services, email, forums, word of mouth, or other means.

Authorship is a great tool for content writers and bloggers! Quality content that is relevant to the audience and that has a high level of engagement and popularity online enhances the author’s authority. This is different from the traditional model because now authority is being ranked on the author instead of only page or site. Free SEO Starter Guide

  • Log into your Google Plus Account
  • Go to your "profile"
  • Select "about""
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page


  • Edit your "Links"


  • Add a custom link to your blog or website to the "Contributor to" section
  • Add your profile to your website using your content management system or by adding a rel="author" code
<link rel="author"href=""/>



Once authorship is verified it is only a matter of time before your profile starts showing up in your search results. Authorship will continue to influence ranking and search results in future search algorithm updates.

Happy content marketing!

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