Bounce Rate is a percentage that shows how many visitors click on a single website page and leave without clicking any other elements on this page or visiting other pages of the website. Bounce Rate is usually used in digital marketing and web traffic analysis. It is an indicator that can be used to measure how relevant or useful your website page is to visitors.
Bounce rate of a website = Total number of bounces across all the pages on the website / Total number of entrances across all the pages on the website
No it is not. On January 7, 2022, Google's John Mueller confirmed that bounce rate is NOT a google ranking factor. Watch the SEO office-hours recording from the 13:20 mark to get the full details.
No, it doesn't not directly affect your organic ranking on Google's organic search results.
Search Engine Journal confirms that it indirectly affects other ranking factors that Google cares about — slow page speed, low-quality design, poor mobile optimization, etc.