A total link is a number of total links means all possible links to this page including internal, external, followed and not followed.
The linking root domains are a number of other websites that link to your page. Mozscape defined Linking Root Domains as: "It is a measure of trust, and can help predict a higher ranking potential".
The Linking Root Domains is more important, it can show the value of your website.
Because of Total Link includes internal, external, followed and not followed. The total link profile for this website is 99.22% internal.
Let's see another example. Site A has 100 links that are from another website. Site B has a link that is from 100 other websites. Obviously, Site B is more valuable to the search engine.
What if Site A has a link that from 100 of websites, but those websites you never heard of. Site B has a link that from 90 of other websites, and all of those websites are well-known websites such as Wikipedia, Financial Times, BBC news. What do you think about which site is more valuable? The case here shows when you analyze the value of a site, you need to analyze the domain authority of the Linking Root Domains as well.