What are ValueTrack Parameters?
ValueTrack parameters are a type of URL parameter you can add to your ads’ landing page URLs. ValueTrack parameters help collect additional information about the source of your ad clicks. ValueTrack parameters are a standard part of the "parameter report." This allows you to better associate parameters with Google AdWords conversions.

ValueTrack Parameters Include:
- {campaignid} – The Adwords campaign number.
- {adgroupid} – The Adwords ad group ID.
- {network} – What network the click came from: “g” for Google search, “s” for a search partner, or “d” for the Display Network
- {creative} – A unique ID for your ad so that you can see the specific ad copy
- {keyword} – For the Search Network, this is the keyword from your account that is matched to the search query. For the Display Network, this is the keyword from your account that is matched to the content.
- {matchtype} – the match type of the keyword that triggered your ad
- {device} – tells you which device a user was on when clicking your ad
- {ifsearch:[value]} – if your ad is clicked from a site in the Google Search Network, you’ll see whatever text you insert
- {ifcontent:[value]} – If your ad is clicked from a site in the Google Display Network, you’ll see whatever text you insert
- {placement} – for Display only, the domain name of the site where the ad was clicked
- {target} – for Display only, a placement category
- {random} – a random Google-generated number
- {aceid} – the control ID or experiment ID from AdWords
- {copy:[name]} – for Sitelinks extensions, the URL will include the actual parameter name and the value you indicate from the corresponding headline URL
- {adposition} – the position on the page that your ad appeared in
- {param1} – if you’re using AdParamService, create parameter #1
- {param2} – if you’re using AdParamService, create parameter #2
Two examples are provided below. It is also important to treat search and display networks differently.
ValueTrack Parameters can be customized and added to your tracking template and can also include custom parameters.