What to Expect From an SEO Recommendations Report

The Typical SEO Recommendations Report Breakdown!

SEO Reports come in all different shapes and sizes. These reports are used to simulate an SEO audit and often times do a great job at identifying common technical SEO problems quickly! The quality of these reports varies, but often they are able to provide business owners useful tips to enhance SEO score and, as a result, increase their ranking in Google. Business owners and professionals can benefit from a Local SEO report as well as technical SEO reports.

  • Local SEO Reports: This report is designed to provide information about your business name, address, phone number, and website consistency across the internet to help you enhance your local and map rankings.
  • On-Page SEO Report: This report is designed to provide information about your web page, headings, keywords, and descriptions to help you with organic search engine rankings.
  • Off-Page SEO Report: This report analyzes links to your website from other sources (backlinks) as well as the keywords associated with them (anchor text) to help with organic search engine ranking.

All of these reports provide analysis and recommendations based on best practices. Depending on where you get your SEO report from, it will likely include multiple elements. On-Page and Off-Page SEO analyses are typically provided in the same report, but most Local SEO Reports that are available are stand alone reports.

An  SEO Recommendations Report will typically include the following:

SEO Recommendations ReportAn  SEO Recommendations Report will typically include the following:

  • Website load speeds
  • Social activity
  • Website authority and back links
  • Mobile-Friendliness (Responsive design)
  • Technical analysis of content and keywords
  • Meta tags analysis
  • Analysis of code
  • Domain age

Most importantly, the SEO Recommendations Report needs to include easy to understand instructions on how to fix the problem. Contact Digital Shift if you have additional questions about SEO strategies to grow your business.

Why Your Business Should Get an SEO Recommendations Report?

Firstly, an SEO Recommendations report will be provided at no charge, which means there is virtually no risk to you. Secondly, it allows you to review the report to determine which changes, if any, you or you team is capable of making and which changes are outside of your area of expertise. Once the common and obvious issues are corrected you can move into a full SEO Audit to not only uncover more in-depth problems that are hurting your ranking but also provide insight into opportunities that you were not aware of. Get a free SEO Report.

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