Domain Authority is a score (from 0 to 100) that measures how well a website will rank on a search engine using primarily link data. If a site receives a high score, that means this site is seen as very valuable and trustworthy. The Domain Authority can also be used to compare one site to another as well as tracking the performance of your site by watching it fluctuate over time. Domain Authority is just Page Rank, but at the root domain level (your URL), but because it's at the domain level it's more valuable and important.
Overall, the Domain Authority score predicts how competitive your website is in terms of search engine ranking. The more valuable your website in the eyes of search engines, the higher your score.
Your domain authority is extremely important when it comes to ranking in Google. Your domain authority can set a ceiling for your ranking capability if its low. This means that a low domain authority will make it difficult to improve your page authority.
The Domain Authority score is calculated by combining other links metrics. For example: linking root domains as well as the total number of links. It is much easier to increase your score from 10 to 20 than it would grow from 80 to 90.
Since the Domain Authority score is made from many factors such as link profile, linking root domains, the internal and external links, and the total number of links on your website. The score is hard to influence directly.