
What is a Vlog?

vlogA Vlog is a video blog or a blog that is done entirely on video. The vlogger expresses their beliefs and ideas through video content. Vlogs can be used for educational and informational reasons, but can also be used for entertainment. Individuals who vlog find the media medium to be more interactive with their viewers than written blogs. These individuals enjoy the storytelling aspect through spoken word.

All you need to create a vlog is a device that is capable of recording video and the ability to transfer the content easily to a computer. Using your computer and a high-speed internet you can easily upload, publish and distribute your vlog online. Follow these steps and you can get your video blog up and be running as soon as possible.

  1. Record your video and save the file on your computer. Use programs such as Quicktime, iMovie or  Movie Maker.
  2. Make sure you compress the file. You can use Movie Maker or iMovie.
  3. Find a blogging site to set up your video blog. You can use sites such as Blogger.com, Medium.com, SquareSpace.com, or Tumblr.com. There are many sites available for video blogs.
  4. Using free hosting services online get the content of your video published. Service providers such as OurMedia and BlipTV are suggestions for these services. Another tip is to use the screenshot of your video to use as the cover image for your vlog.
  5. Add your link and image of your video after creating your vlog entry.
  6. Finally, publish your blog on one of the sites mentioned in step three once you acquire your RSS feed (format for multimedia web content that is regularly changing).

Vlogs are an amazing way to get information out quickly to the masses in content that is easy to consume for the viewer. The cost of purchasing the equipment necessary to start a blog is very minimal compared to what it once was. Recording the video is simple as well because you can now even use your smartphone. The world of how we consume information is rapidly changing and video will be on the forefront. Get ahead of the game and start a vlog!

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